Division | Birth Year | Fee |
T-Ball | 2019-2020 | $210 |
Rookie Ball | 2016-2018 | $245 |
HL 11U & 13U (Tyke & Peewee) | 2012-2015 | $305 |
HL 15U & 18U (Bantam & Midget) | 2007-2011 | $335 |
Rep Rookie Ball* | 2016-2018 | $295 |
Rep Baseball* | 2003-2015 | $375 |
Division | Birth Year | Fee |
U9 | 2016, 2017 | $255 |
U11 | 2014, 2015 | $255 |
U13 | 2012, 2013 | $275 |
U15 | 2010, 2011 | $305 |
U18 | 2008, 2009 | $325 |
U23 | 2002 and younger | $335 |
Rep Softball* | 2002-2014 | $375 |
Fees are subject to change without notice.
Refund Policy:
Should you have a need to cancel your registration, the following fees will apply:
- $50.00 cancellation fee.
- After start of season: No refund
Season start is defined as the date of the 1st scheduled game for your registered age & division (T Ball, Rookie Ball, Baseball, Softball).
Please note: This cancellation policy applies to MSBA House League Registration Fees only. Rep Baseball and Rep Softball fees are non-refundable. Season start is defined as the date of the 1st scheduled game for your registered age & division (T Ball, Rookie Ball, Baseball, Softball)