All players registered in our tyke, peewee and bantam house league program are eligible to try out during our Evaluation Day, on Saturday, April 26, 2025 at Tom Chater Park, located at 3195 The Collegeway.
Evaluation Day age division time slots:
- Tykes at 11am
- Peewees at 1:30pm
- Bantams at 4pm
The team will be chosen by the all-star team coach, with input from all of our house league head coaches.
- 12 players per team (usually three from each of our four HL teams at each age group).
- kids play the usual HL season (one game & one practice each week) but also play with the HL all-stars (usually a handful of practices, 1 or 2 GTA tournaments and 1 or 2 exhibition games).
- cost is an additional $50. All-star players receive a hat and jersey that they keep at the end of the season.
- all-star teams are confirmed for this summer at bantam (2010 / 2011) and peewee (2012 / 2013) but still work-in-progress at tyke (2014 / 2015).
NEW THIS SEASON! All Star Rookie Ball
More details will follow as the season approaches. Keep checking back!