Ages: 5 & 6
Game Nights: Mondays @6pm
Location: Hillcrest Park (Dean Henderson if needed)
Tee Ball (or T-ball) is a program that is offered by MSBA focused on children ages 5 and 6 years of age. This program is designed for the youngest recruits to learn the basic fundamentals of baseball. These fundamentals are throwing, hitting and fielding. There are no scores kept and there are no winners and losers. The volunteers that organize this program teach the youngsters to have fun and to respect the game, other players, parents and coaches.
Game nights usually consist of a 15-30 minutes of drills and practice followed by a 2-3 inning game. There are no other practice days other than on game day unless the coach would like to add one at their discretion.
Any parent that is interested in taking an active role in this program is asked to contact the Vice President of T-Ball through the association web site. T-Ball is the grassroots of our organization and as such needs all the support from the parents. Each year we ask for volunteer coaches to assist the players in learning the game.
All T-Ballers will receive a jersey, pants and cap that they will keep. We participate every Monday evening and the season begins the first Monday after the May Long weekend and continues through to the second week of August. After the regular season we hold a fun day on the third Saturday in August.